Full stack website for UAV wireless communication

AngularJS front-end with WebGL and Three.js. Flask back-end with MQTT real time communication protocol. (AngularJS, WebGL, Three.js, Flask, MQTT)

This is a full stack website demostrating the real-time wireless single profile between two UAVs. The front-end is build in AngularJS framework using Typescript with WebGL and Three.js for rendering. The Back-end is on Flask python framework incharge of data communication through MQTT protocol. Visit the website here. (Login: User Email: mcv@unl.edu; Password: nexttunl)

The demo not only shows the spatial relation between the UAVs but plot the signal profile of two communication channels in real time as the UAV moves. User can also manually operate the transmitter drone or the receiver drone as needed.

UAVs communication demostration on two single channels.

This is one component of a bigger project of large-scale IOT research.